2022-2023 Annual Report

September 1, 2022 – August 31, 2023

Message from the Minister of Education

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”

Helen Keller first wrote those words nearly a century ago, but they remain just as true today as they were then. This is especially evident in the collaboration between Alberta’s government, the Alberta School Boards Association, and the members you represent.

The work we have been elected and entrusted to do is some of the most important work taking place in Alberta today. Together, we are responsible for the education of our province’s next generation. The decisions we make, and the work we do, have the power to inspire, motivate, and guide our students as they move from childhood through adolescence and into young adulthood, setting them up for a lifetime of success.

As Alberta’s Minister of Education, it is an honour and privilege to do this work alongside you. I continue to be impressed by the incredible work being undertaken in classrooms and behind the scenes, all to provide our children with a high quality, world-class education.

Alberta’s government recognizes the importance of investing in education. This is reflected in Budget 2023, in which we increased education funding by $2.2 billion over the next three years, with $8.8 billion in funding this year alone.

Like you, Alberta’s government believes in empowering exceptional governance at the school board level, which is why ninety-eight per cent of education funding flows directly through local boards. We recognize your members know best what their students, schools, and communities need.

This approach to investment is aligned with your association’s new strategic plan. We too believe in strengthening your members’ abilities to govern and impact decisions related to education. This impact is felt as government develops its budget, as we implement a new curriculum, and every time we break ground on the building of a new school. We rely on your expertise and advocacy, and appreciate every opportunity for conversation and collaboration.

Thank you for being advocates for Alberta’s children and champions for education. I look forward to working together and continuing to “do so much” for our students and for Alberta.

Demetrios Nicolaides

Like you, Alberta’s government believes in empowering exceptional governance at the school board level, which is why ninety-eight per cent of education funding flows directly through local boards. We recognize your members know best what their students, schools, and communities need.

Demetrios Nicolaides

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