2022-2023 Annual Report

September 1, 2022 – August 31, 2023

Board of Directors Committees, and Members

The Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing the business and affairs of ASBA to ensure that it meets its mandate and the needs of its members. Directors are ambassadors for ASBA, trusteeship and public education which is governed by ASBA’s locally-elected public, catholic and francophone member school boards. They participate on ASBA committees, represent all zone or metro board issues and provide input to the Board.

2022-2023 Board of Directors

Marilyn Dennis


Shali Baziuk


Tammy Henkel

Zone 1 Director

Linda Wigton

Zone 2/3 Director

Colleen Holowaychuk

Zone 2/3 Director

Trudy Bratland,

Zone 4 Director

Robert Pirie

Zone 5 Director

Allison Purcell

Zone 6 Director

Myra D’Souza

Calgary Catholic School District Director

Patricia Bolger

Calgary Board of Education Director

Dawn Hancock

Edmonton Public Schools Director

Alene Mutala

Edmonton Catholic Schools Director

2022-2023 Committees

The Board of Directors has several committees. Standing Committees assist the Board with work of an ongoing nature and ad hoc committees assist the Board on a specific project for a specific period of time.


Executive Committee (standing)


Audit and Risk Management Committee (standing)


Policy Development Advisory Committee (standing)


Advocacy Committee (standing)


CSBA Congress Task Force (ad-hoc)


Position Statement Advisory Group (ad-hoc)

Board of Directors and CEO Committee members

Marilyn Dennis, President

Shali Baziuk, Vice-president

Tammy Henkel, Zone 1

Linda Wigton, Zone 2/3

Colleen Holowaychuk,
Zone 2/3

Trudy Bratland, Zone 4

Robert Pirie, Zone 5

Allison Purcell, Zone 6

Myra D’Souza, Calgary
Catholic School Division

Patricia Bolger, Calgary
Board of Education

Dawn Hancock, Edmonton
Public Schools

Alene Mutala, Edmonton
Catholic Schools

Dr. Vivian Abboud,
Chief Executive Officer

The CEO is a member of the Executive Committee and attends the meetings of all other committees.

Appointed trustee committee members

Crystal Owens, Chair,
Peace River School Division (Zone 1)

Lorraine Stewart, Chair,
Parkland School Division (Zone 2/3)

Sandra Palazzo, Chair,
Edmonton Catholic Schools (Zone 2/3)

Anne Marie Watson, Chair, Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools (Zone 4)

Nancy Close, Trustee,
Calgary Board of Education (Zone 5)

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